ALL TRUE BUT: Also worth considering is the way Bernie hasn’t brought up Hillary’s decades of scandals and current conflicts-of-interest. Tony talks about indictment above but the most important trial is in the court of public opinion. Take pardongate, for example, where the Clintons let white collar criminals off the hook as personal favors.
Also buried during primaries was the Clinton/Gore Pan Asian donor scandal, which people went to jail for. There, foreign entities were illegally funding Clinton’s reelection through straw donors. Why this is important today is because foreign entities are pumping money into the lobbying firm founded by John Podesta, Hillary’s campaign chair.
The right will not only bring out these scandals, they will continue to highlight the way Hillary and the DNC rigged the election against Sanders and everyday voters. And for once, they’ll be right. The “Lamestream” media is absolutely burying the Hillary Victory Fund story, in which the DNC uses the McKutcheon decision loophole to launder above-max donations to the campaign through 33 complicit state party funds.
Politico has covered this, but the only mention so far on network TV was when Bernie’s campaign advisor Jeff Weaver brought it up to Rachel Maddow during Indiana coverage. She quickly changed the subject.
Should we go through the rest of the scandals Trump will mention in televised debates? Expect to hear all about bullying Monica Lewinsky, filegate, travelgate, cattle futures, lies about sniper fire or her membership on the boards of Walmart and nuclear power producer Entergy.
Beyond Benghazi’s ginned up scandals, these actual scandals may actually affect swing voters.
The left wing media today is concentrating instead on current scandals like the pay-for-play suspected in Clinton Global Initiative contributions, the Clinton connections in the Panama Papers and the major bias exhibited by the DNC, Washington Post and NY Times.
UNDER-REPORTED: Beside the scandals we know of widely, many others have been hushed over or downplayed while Hillary was in office. One under-the-radar story involves comic legend Stan Lee and the Hillary bundler handling the Stan Lee IPO in 2000.
His name is Peter Paul and he funded a star studded gala for outgoing President Clinton which turned into something of a campaign event as Hillary was also running for Senate. Because this line was blurred, FEC papers should have been filed but never were. Paul’s relationship with the Clintons soured quickly which led to lawsuits. But both Clintons signed a confidentiality agreement to keep the ordeal quiet — until last year when the original signed document was sold in an autograph auction!
UNKNOWN UNKNOWNS: What about new scandals though? It’s possible Republican oppo-researchers have been holding their powder dry since 2008 when Hillary lost the nomination. Do Democratic voters want to chance this? One damning video or audio could be game-changing in this wild and wooly election season, whereas Bernie is predictably consistent and “boring” by today’s sensationalist media standards.