DIVIDING US: These rants aren’t helping the Bernie and Hillary factions come together. You are talking right past the people you need to persuade. They believe the primary was rigged because the DNC was caught favoring one side and fired top officials in shame. You say of course they should favor Hillary, but they were LYING saying they were not. That sowed mistrust and the swing states went to Trump.
The fired DNC officials planted media stories, like the “thrown chairs” lie. Can you speak to that? Do you approve of secret meets with media? The other rigging was legal, like securing superdelegates a year before the campaign. It’s clever, but not democratic. Do you approve?
Fundraising through the 33 state joint Victory fund exploited barely legal loopholes to get plus-max contributions from the Waltons and other billionaires. Can you speak to that? Do you approve?
I think the Berners would come to the Dem fold if the DNC owned what they did wrong instead of blaming others— the DNC firings went a long way, hiring Bernie advisors to the DNC helped and having Schumer, Cuomo, Perez and others campaign with Bernie is a sure sign that we could all come together.
Here’s the big problem — money in politics. The Berners, and the Indies and the GOP-converts want to see the DNC wean off the billionaire money teat but the Hillary side won’t. Some are even secretly paid to blog against Bernie, but were caught. So let’s work through these issues so we can be “stronger together”.
If your argument is that the rigging didn’t cause Bernie to lose, he would have lost anyway, say that, but when you say there was no rigging, you are refusing to admit the DNC emails showed favoritism, planted stories, and that their lawyer didn’t tell the staff to publicly call Bernie a liar. And that’s all clearly in evidence. How come Hillary supporters don’t talk about the dirty tricks in the leaks? It’s cleansing…