Very funny stuff Sara, but you left out a little reality. It’s the reality that if you tell a candidate they have your support, they don’t do anything new or good for you.
The most effective strategy an individual voter has is saying they are undecided as long as possible, and lay out what you are looking for. When voters band together to do this, it’s even more effective.
So for example, you say our parties suck — I agree. Telling everyone here in May to suck up all your principles and hold your nose and vote for Hillary is not making our parties any better, right?
Hillary sees this and says “great, I’ve got her vote, even though she says she was boxed in, I will now proceed to take her for granted”.
This is giving away for free the one tool you have in an election.
Suppose instead if you wrote about improving the party — to make it less responsive to billionaires and more accountable to middle class families. In that case, you might write “Hillary is in the lead, but doesn’t have enough delegates to avoid a contested convention. Let’s encourage, cajole, coax, pressure her to adopt tough new policies to get money out of politics, and earn Bernie’s delegates as well as Bernie’s ten million plus voters.”
One more example. As a teacher, I can tell you the profession is NOT happy with their so-called leader Randi Weingarten who was onboard for Hillary so early, we saw no K-12 education brought up in the course of the campaign.
Do you really feel bad for schoolchildren suffering under NCLB’s annual testing mandate? If so, we needed it to be a prominent campaign issue — Bernie opposes the testing, Hillary does not.
The same for fracking, nuclear plants, breaking up banks, using the revolving door, Bernie’s primary run was supposed to be the vehicle to improve Hillary and the party, not surrender to it.
Just think of Hillary as a used car dealer where you have to pretend you’ll walk away if you don’t get your price. Let’s use all the firepower we have to make sure Hillary embraces real people instead of Wall Street. There’s plenty of time for this, before and after the convention.
Finally, please note one major similarity with Hillary and Trump’s message — they both want you to sit back and let them handle everything. Bernie is quite honestly saying he can’t fix anything even if he wins, No President can (Obama sure didn’t) and that we will need a long, sustained grassroots effort to get power back from the billionaires and entrenched political class.
This is why Wall Street is funding Hillary, why the Kochs are considering backing her, and why the Waltons have backed her for 30 years. Because Hillary has yet to show she supports everyday people in her economic policies.